BlogClan 2 Wikia



Leader: Willowstar - cream and pale brown she-cat

Deputy: Nighttooth - black and dark grey (nb)

Medicine cat: Dawndream - cream and pale brown (nb)


  • Foxclaw - dark brown tabby tom
    • Apprentice: Talonpaw
  • Rainfall - grey she-cat
  • Thistlefang - brown and white tabby tom
  • Honeysong - pale brown she-cat
  • Birchleaf - greyish muddy brown tom
  • Mousestripe - pale brown tom
  • Bluemoon - grey-blue (nb)
  • Sedgehawk - ginger tom
  • Swallowwish - white she-cat
  • Mintstorm - dark brown (nb)


  • Seedpaw - dark brown tom
  • Talonpaw - golden, dark brown paws (nb)
  • Dapplepaw - pale and dark brown she-cat


  • Fernrose - cream she-cat
    • Spicekit - ginger tom
    • Loonkit - light grey she-cat
  • Goldenheart - golden brown she-cat (expecting Mousestripe's kits)


  • Snailspots - light grey tom
  • Nutwing - dark brown (nb)


Moonlight shone over the ThunderClan camp, glistening on the rain soaked ground. The rocks that led up to the Highledge were slick with rain and mud. Anything that wasn’t tucked safely away in a den was soaked, including the few scraps of fresh-kill that lay in the middle of the camp.  The rest of the pile was being stored in the medicine cat den until the frequent rains ended.

Willowstar gently rested her muzzle on Dawnkit's shoulder, keeping xem steady as they climbed. Xe slipped, xyr paws sliding every which way, and xyr jaw banged into the rock.

Foxkit was already waiting on the Highledge. He’d allowed his mother to carry him up the rocks, but Dawnkit had insisted on doing it xemself. Willowstar grabbed xyr scruff and gently eased xem onto the next rock. Xe pulled away from her and wobbled for a moment, but managed to push xemself up the next rock.

“Come on already!” Foxkit yowled, only to receive a harsh glare from his mother.

Pulling Dawnkit up onto the Highledge, Willowstar mewed, “Remember, you’re supposed to be in the nursery right now. I could always wait another day to show you the tunnels.” Foxkit shook his head hard, his eyes wide.

“No, Mama!” Dawnkit whispered. “Show us now.”

“Only if you’re quiet.”Willowstar waited a moment, her eyes darting between her two kits, then led them into the den.

Dawnkit pressed xemself into Foxkit, xyr heart beating quickly with excitement. Willowstar reached into the back of her den and caught hold of a thick tangle of brambles and pulled it away from the wall. In its place, there was a dark, gaping hole.

Dawnkit gasped, and burrowed xyr face in xyr brother’s pelt. Xe could only imagine Dark Forest cats spilling out of the gaping hole and filling the den, their claws unsheathed, blood dripping from their fangs.

The ThunderClan leader stepped away from the hole and turned back to her kits. “This is the tunnel.” she meowed. Foxkit stepped forward, his fur fluffed, his ears twitching. He set one paw carefully inside the tunnel, then, with a glance back at Dawnkit, pushed inside.

Terrified to leave xyr brother in the dark tunnels alone, Dawnkit dove past xyr mother, trusting xyr nose to help xem find xyr brother. Blinking, Xe realized that xe could see light, not too far off. Foxkit stood in front of xem, and xe could see the light in his eyes as he glanced anxiously about.

Willowstar brushed into the tunnels, her presence warm and safe. Dawnkit turned and buried xyr head in xyr mother’s fur.

“It’s scary. It’s just like the Dark Forest.” xe squeaked, causing Willowstar to let out a short, breathy laugh.

“No, Dawnkit, this is nothing like the Dark Forest. You’re safe here. Do you understand? You’re safe in these tunnels. You too, Foxkit.” She pulled Dawnkit close to her with one paw, and reached her tail out to brush Foxkit’s head.

“I’m not scared.” Foxkit insisted, though he let Willowstar run her tail over his head. “I can take any Dark Forest cat.” he lunged at his littermate, paws outstretched.

Xe dodged and laughed, swatting his ear with one lazy flick of xyr paw. “Well, I’m gonna be a medicine cat, so when you get hurt, I’ll heal you.” Xe scraped a pawful of dirt from the ground and rubbed it over his side. “That was cobwebs, to bind your wound.”

“A medicine cat?” Willowtar murmured, gently rubbing the dirt off of Foxkit’s side. “This is the first time I’m hearing of that. I think you’ll be wonderful, Dawnkit.”

Foxkit shook out his fur and bounded several tail-lengths down the tunnel. “Well if xe’s going to be a medicine cat, I’ll be leader!” he spun in a circle, his tail knocking against Dawnkit’s side.

Wisely inserting herself between her kits, Willowstar started down the tunnel, guiding Foxkit and Dawnkit alonge. “To be leader, you’ll first have to be deputy, and to be deputy, you’ll first have to be a warrior good enough for your leader to trust. You must work hard for your Clan and follow the warrior code before anything can happen.”

“Yes, Mama.” Foxkit mewed, heaving a sigh.

Dawnkit unsheathed xyr claws to get a better grip on the loose earth beneath xyr feet. Xe had to concentrate on every step so xe wouldn’t get mud all over xyr paws, like Foxkit was doing. Willowstar’s steps were gentle and graceful, and her paws were only covered in the mud that Foxkit splashed on her.

The tunnel widened, and the light grew, until they were standing in front of a large chamber lit with starlight and moonlight. A small stream wound around the room, catching the moonlight and seeming to hold it. Smooth, shiny stones covered the ground, and the sloped walls were made of mud.

The path sloped steeply, sliding down to meet the smooth stones. Foxkit slipped and tumbled down the small muddy hill, crashing onto the stones.

“Foxkit!” Willowstar dove after him, and, after checking him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt, looked up to find Dawnkit sliding carefully down the hill. Xe landed neatly next to xyr brother, looking around the room with wide eyes.

Satisfied that the kits were safe, Willowstar turned and looked around. “This is where the tunnels lead to.” She murmured. Pointing with her tail, she showed her kits a hole in the roof, partly obscured by roots. “That’s where the light comes in.” The roots were also the only thing supporting the room. They wove down the walls and beyond the floor, tying the chamber together.

Awestruck, Foxkit pawed through the smooth stones, grasping a pale blue one between his claws. He turned it this way and that before dropping it onto the floor. “It’s so pretty.” he mewed.

Dawnkit padded over to the stream, loving the way the stones crunching beneath xyr paws. Expecting the water to taste like how xe imagined moonlight would, xe lowered xyr head and lapped up a couple of drops. Coughing and sputtering, xe spat it back into the stream, appalled to find that it tasted like mud and the way xyr mother always described twoleg stench.

Foxkit came over, pressed his nose to the water, and took a gulp. Grimacing, he splashed water at Dawnkit with the side of his paw. Xe ducked away, splashing it back at him, laughing.

Willowstar lay down in the middle of the den, the moonlight illuminating her cream colored fur. She had pale brown ears and a pale brown patch on the tip of her tail, and her green eyes sparkled as she watched her kits play.

Dawnkit watched her, distracted from Foxkit’s game.

Water splashed down xyr side, and xe shuddered from the cold. The moonlight that lit the cavern had become sharp and bright with something Dawnkit couldn’t place. Xyr mother and brother didn’t seem to notice it, but xe did.

Xe wanted to love this place, to feel safe in it, but something was wrong. Something bad would happen in this cavern, soon.

Chapter One[]

The half moon shone brightly, and the stars gleamed like jewels in the sky. The medicine cats from all four Clans were huddled around the Moonpool, their pelts brushing together as they all watched the new apprentice intently.

Dawndream smiled around at the gathered cats, then let xyr attention fall on the latest ThunderClan apprentice, Seedpaw. He was a dark brown tom, with a black patch over one ear and on his tail, his brown-blue eyes wide and ready to learn. He sat quietly, and watched xem with immense concentration, soothing xyr worries about having an unruly apprentice.

Then he cocked his head to one side and his mouth slipped into an impish grin, and xe held back a scowl. Looking away from him for a moment, xe let the wind rustle xyr fur.

Batpaw, the young ShadowClan apprentice, huffed softly, drawing xyr attention back to the ceremony.

“Seedpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?” Xe asked the apprentice, smiling as he replaced his grin with an eager smile.

“It is.” he mewed, lifting his head bodly so his eyes met xyrs.

Swallowing, xe ran through the last words of the ceremony in xyr head, making sure they didn’t forget anything. “Then come forward.” He did, and xe threw xyr head up to the sky. “Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. He has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant him your wisdom and your insight so that he may understand your ways and heal his Clan in accordance with your will.”

Xe nodded to Seedpaw, and he scampered down to the Moonpool and lapped up a bit of the water. His body slowly stilled, and soon only his sides moved as he breathed.

The rest of the medicine cats filtered into place around the pool, reaching down to drink. Icejump nodded approvingly to Dawndream as they bent down, lapping up the water.

Before xe drank and entered a dream, Dawndream looked around at each medicine cat. Icejump, the ShadowClan medicine cat, was small and skinny, with grey fur and a white mask over their face. They were always kind to cats of all Clans, and they couldn’t be more different than their apprentice, Batpaw. Batpaw was a young, dark brown tabby, who snapped at everyone and was known throughout the Clans to be stubborn.

Bigfoot, a deep brown tom, was the WindClan medicine cat. At a glance, he looked more like a ThunderClan warrior, as his muscles bulged and shifted as he moved. Streamwhisper was the RiverClan medicine cat, and always a bit hesitant to say anything around cats of other Clans.

Xyr gaze finally landing back on Seedpaw, Dawndream smiled. He was purring, and she was glad that his first visit with StarClan was going well.

Leaning down to the Moonpool, xe lapped up a few drops of the clear water, and closed xyr eyes. Darkness descended around xem as xe slipped into sleep.

This isn’t StarClan. Was xyr first thought.

Dark mist swirled around Dawndream, coiling over xyr paws and twisting up xyr legs. Xe pushed away from it, scrambling to the side, trying to run. Something wet and cool sucked at xyr paws, and xe unsheathed xyr claws, trying to get a grip on the writhing ground.

Xyr breath was slow in coming, xyr head swum. Xe couldn’t get enough air. Spinning around, xe tried to run, but xe could barely inch forward.

And then, all of a sudden, the ground beneath xyr paws hardened, turning into the soft familiar feel of grass. The fog lifted slightly, and xe was standing on a field of rippling grass. Not too far off, just down the slope, a tall willow tree dipped and danced in the breeze.

As xe watched, the leaves on the willow turned brown and started to fall. Soon it was a stark dark outline, thin, writhing branches slapping against each other with a wet, hollow sound. The roots of the tree began to tear from the ground, and as it fell, Dawndream’s ears were pierced with the sound of a she-cat screaming. When the tree hit the ground, all light vanished.

A cat’s voice seemed to come from all around xem, ringing through their ears.

"When the willow rots..."

The sky above xem suddenly grew lighter. Xe looked up, relief rushing through them as xe saw the moon, round and golden, shining above xem. Stars sprinkled the sky, casting their faint light down over xem. Then, as if someone had snatched it away, the moon and stars and all of the light disappeared once more.

“And night ends without day…”

Paws pounded the ground, the sound hollow and strong. Dawndream lost the feeling of xemself, and only saw strong paws, glistening with blood.

“The fox will hunt…”

Then xe could feel again, and pain exploded through xem, coiling like a snake through xyr blood.

“And kill.”

Faint rays of sunlight shone over the horizon, glinting off the Moonpool.

Dawndream shakily sat up, looking around xem. Xe was still stiff with pain, and xyr paws screamed as xe tried to push xemself up to a standing position. All around, the other medicine cats were standing and stretching, murmuring amongst themselves, even Seedpaw.

Xyr apprentice was bouncing with energy, and they spoke quickly with a happiness that felt so far from how Dawndream felt.

“I saw cats from StarClan!” he mewed, bounding in a circle around Dawndream. “And there was a grey she-cat and she said…”

Dawndream cut him off with a quick shake of xyr head. “You can tell me about it when we get back to camp. Medicine cats speak to no one but their leader about messages from StarClan until they know what it means.” Swallowing hard, xe stood up and took a careful step forward. Xyr paws ached and screamed, but xe ignored it.

Icejump glazed at xem curiously, worried flickering in their eyes. Xe managed a smile and nodded to them, then started up the path that led out of the Moonpool.

“Are you alright?” Icejump asked Dawndream, as they fell into step beside xem.

“I’m fine, just a worrying message from StarClan.” xe replied cautiously. “I’m sure it’s nothing.” xe smiled warmly at Icejump, disappointed to see that xe obviously wasn’t convincing them. Hurrying forward, xe brushed Seedpaw with xyr tail and headed toward ThunderClan territory. “We’ll see you all at the next gathering!”

Seedpaw tried to protest and linger behind with the other medicine cats, but he finally followed his mentor into the forest. Apprentices, though they were young, weren’t stupid, and Seedpaw obviously could tell that Dawndream was upset. He kept glancing worriedly at xem, which xe found sweet.

“A StarClan cat visited me.” Seedpaw ventured finally, slipping on a damp leaf. “She told me I’d be a great medicine cat, and that she’s so happy that I chose the path of a medicine cat.”

Dawnatil struggled to find the energy to be happy that xyr apprentice was starting off on the right paw. “That’s great, Seedpaw. You’ll be receiving prophecies in no time.” xe meowed half-heartedly, plodding onward. Seedpaw’s eyes grew wide, and he tripped over his own paws.

“You really think so, Dawndream?” he asked eagerly, bouncing up and down. “Maybe you’re right! Maybe I’ll turn out to be the best medicine cat ThunderClan… no, StarClan has ever seen! I’ll be the greatest, Dawndream, just you wait!”

Thankfully, he didn’t seem to need a response, so xe was left to muddle through xyr own thoughts. Xe knew that xe had to remember the prophecy. It would mean nothing otherwise. When the willow rots and the night ends without day, the fox will hunt… and kill. Xe shuddered, digging xyr claws into the earth. When xe blinked, xe could see the paws pounding against the ground, blood trailing from their claws.

After what seemed like moons of pretending to listen to Seedpaw, they finally came to the bramble curtain that blocked the entrance to the ThunderClan camp.

“Seedpaw, why don’t you go get some sleep. You can sleep in the medicine cat den now, any nest is fine. I’ve set up a few for injured or sick cats, you can use those. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes, I’ve got to talk to Willowstar.” xe pawed the bramble screen back for Seedpaw to pass through, then slipped through xemself.

Nodding, Seedpaw nodded. “Okay, Dawndream. I had fun at the Moonpool tonight.”

Xe smiled at him, and watched as he headed towards xyr den. As soon as he’d brushed through the brambles, his littermate Talonpaw came bounding up to xem. They had brilliant golden brown fur, and green eyes that caught the light of the early morning sun. Talonpaw was Dawndream’s brother, Foxclaw’s, first apprentice, and so far they were careful and diligent and a quick learner.

“Is Seedpaw back?” they mewed.

“In my den.” xe responded, padding towards the Highledge. Scrambling up the rocks, xe called out xyr mother’s name as xe poked xyr head into the den.

“Dawndream?” Willowstar asked, her voice heavy with sleep. “I didn’t realize you were back already. Come on in.”

Xe stepped all the way into the den, glancing to the back wall, out of habit. The bramble clump was pressed securely in place, just like it always was. The leader’s den smelled familiar and warm, like Willowstar and Nighttooth, her deputy.

Standing up to greet her kit, Willowstar smoothed the fur between Dawndream’s ears. “What’s wrong, dear?” she asked gently, worry creasing her face.

“I received a prophecy from StarClan, and I don’t know what to make of it, except that something bad is going to happen to ThunderClan.” xe took a shallow breath and buried xyr nose in Willowstar’s fur, just like xe used to when xe was a kit.

The ThunderClan leader wrapped her tail around her kit’s shoulders, pulling xem in. “We will be strong, Dawndream. Can you tell me what the prophecy says?”

Taking another breath, Dawndream nodded. “When the willow rots and the night ends without day, the fox will hunt… and kill.” The last word was heavy in xyr mouth, and xe could barely help from whimpering like a kit. The hardest thing they’d ever done as a medicine cat was set a broken bone, and xe’d had xyr mentor, Birchfrost with xem. Now that he was gone, the thought of doing anything important was terrifying.

Willowstar stared blankly out the entrance of the den, her face drawn. “I don’t know. I will tell the patrols to keep an eye out for foxes, but I don’t see what else we can do. Go get some sleep. We will talk again later.”

That really was the best ThunderClan could do, Dawndream realized. No cat could do anything about a prophecy until it had been carried out. What was the point of receiving a prophecy if all you could do was wait anyway?

Chapter Two[]

Dawndream clawed a clump of cobwebs away from the sticky bark of a maple tree just outside of ThunderClan camp. Seedpaw was sitting next to xem, his tail curled around his paws as he watched xem carefully.

“Let’s start simple.” Dawndream pressed the cobwebs into a clump on xyr paw and held it out for Seedpaw to sniff. “These are cobwebs. You use them to stop or slow the flow of blood when a cat is seriously cut. Here, smell it.”

Curling his nose, Seedpaw leaned hesitantly in and sniffed it. “It doesn’t really smell like much.” he said. “I wouldn’t be able to find it just by smell.”

Dawndream nodded. “Yes, you usually have to look for them.” Now wanting to let the cobwebs go to waste, xe looked around for a place to put them. Xe laided it across a flat rock and turned back to Seedpaw. “Do you know what marigold is?”

He shook his head, and xe held back a sigh. It had been so long since xe’d been an apprentice, and xe felt like every cat should know what marigold was. But Seedpaw was barely more than a kit, and xe had to start from scratch. I need to start with something he does know. “How about borage?”

Seedpaw’s brow creased in thought, then he nodded slowly. “You gave that to Rainfall when she was giving us milk.”

Pleased, Dawndream led him down towards the lake shore. “Good! It can help queens give more milk, but it also can bring down fevers and soothe upset bellies and sore throats. Do you know what it smells like?”

“Maybe. I dunno.” Seedpaw shrugged, following xem down the slope. Tasting the air, Dawndream turned and spotted a clump of borage growing by a tree. Reaching out to a small bundle of leaves that grew before xem, xe picked it and laid it out in front of Seedpaw. Scrambling over to the borage, xe picked two leaves and a marigold leaf and carried all three back to xyr apprentice.

Xe spread the leaves apart on the ground in front of him, clumping the weeds together, stacking the borage, and setting the marigold a little ways apart. “Can you guess which one is borage?” xe asked.

Sniffing each bundle of leaves, Seedpaw drew his tongue over the marigold, then shook his head. “I think it’s these.” he pushed the weeds with his nose.

“Those are just grass.” Dawndream sighed, poking the borage with xyr paw. “It’s these. You can carry them back, if you want.”

“Fine.” Seedpaw sighed, gathering the leaves in his jaws and slumping back towards camp.

“Wait, we haven’t even gone over three herbs yet!” Dawndream called after him, a bit desperate to make xyr first training session successful.

Seedpaw shrugged. “We’ll make up for it tomorrow. We just got back from the Moonpool a few hours ago, and I’m tired and hungry. You can tell me about marigold tomorrow.” He shouldered his way through a frond of ferns and bounded away towards camp.

Xe watched him go, shocked. Biting xyr lip, xe looked down at the small piles of weeds that lay at xyr paws. Bending down, xe scooped up the marigold leaf and padded after xyr apprentice.

Seedpaw had left the borage on top of the yarrow, which meant Dawndream had to carefully pick every last bit of crushed borage out of xyr carefully stored yarrow, and tossed it into the back of the den. Xe sorted through xyr bundles of herbs, finding the marigold, and tucked the single leaf xe’d brought back.

The bramble screen rustled, and Dawndream turned to see Rainfall push her head in.

“Are you hurt?” Dawndream asked, doing xyr best to keep the weariness out of xyr voice. Xe slid the bundle of marigold into the back of the den with the other bundles and padded over to Rainfall.

She shook her head, stepping all the way in and sitting by one of the nests Dawndream had prepared for injured cats. “No, but I was wondering how you’re doing with Seedpaw. I know he can be a handful.” she laughed, shaking her head. “But he’s my kit, and I know he’s been really excited to be your apprentice.” Rainfall was the mother of the three ThunderClan apprentices, and a good, strong warrior. Her fur was a shimmering grey, and her eyes sparkled when she laughed, which was quite often.

Dawndream sighed. “He doesn’t seem too eager to learn. I tried to teach him about borage, but he just told me we’d continue our training another day.”

Fur bristling, Rainfall shook her head. “I’ll talk to him about that. I’m sorry, he needs to learn that he’s only an apprentice. He doesn’t like being wrong, and I know it can often get under his fur. Perhaps the more traditional way of training medicine cats just doesn’t work for him.”

“What do you propose I do?” Dawndream asked, turning back to xyr herb supply and retrieving a bundle of herbs to lay out to dry. Xe tried not to be annoyed that Rainfall, a warrior, was trying to tell xem how to train xyr apprentice.

After only a moment, Rainfall answered quietly, “He likes to be doing things, not just listening to cats talk about them. Maybe if you taught him about herbs while you showed him how to use them, he would pay more attention.”

“I’ll think about it. Thanks, Rainfall.” Dawndream caught a leaf with xyr claw and hooked the stem through one of the thorns on the vine xe’d hung across the ceiling of the den.

The grey warrior hesitated, and Dawndream could hear her paws kneading the ground. After a moment, the brambles rustled again, and Rainfall’s scent faded. Only a moment later, the brambles swished again, and Dawndream caught xyr brother’s scent. Xe spun around to greet him, happy to see his brown tabby pelt in the medicine cat den.

“Are you hurt?” xe asked, glancing down at his paws. Foxclaw had a tendency to step on thorns and prickers, and not be able to get them out.

“No, but I was wondering if you knew where Talonpaw was. And I wanted to ask you how your training with Seedpaw has gone so far.” he rasped his tongue over one paw and drew it back over his ear, watching Dawndream thoughtfully.

“Talonpaw and Seedpaw are probably off in the forest together somewhere. I at least hope they didn’t leave Dapplepaw behind.” Dawndream sighed, hanging another leaf on the vine. “Seedpaw told me we would continue training tomorrow. He didn’t even let me finish talking about borage.” xe slapped xyr paw over the next leaf so hard that xe crushed the stem, and tore the leaf a bit with xyr claws, rendering it useless. Hissing, xe tossed it into the scrap pile of herbs.

Foxclaw hissed as well, standing up to pace the length of the den. “Like he can decide when he gets trained! You’re not only his mentor, you’re his medicine cat! I’ll tell Willowstar… I’ll get Rainfall to punish him, Nightooth, Willowstar, anyone, someone has to do something!”

His words soothed Dawndream, and xe nodded. “You’re right, it’s not up to him.” xyr voice grew in confidence, and xe turned to face xyr brother. “I should talk to Willowstar.”

“No, go straight to punishing him. He needs to get the rules of the Clan straight in his head before he can ever be a medicine cat. Make him check the elders for ticks for a moon. No, two.” he snarled. “And feed him yarrow, make him sick. I’ll go find him now!”

Dawndream lashed out her paw, slapping him on the shoulder and knocking him off balance. “Foxclaw, honestly, that’s a terrible punishment. He only said a few words, and only because he was tired and hungry. Besides, he’s my mentor. I’ll talk to Willowstar about it.” xe stumbled away from him, horrified at how quickly xyr brother had turned to cruelty.

Stumbling to his feet, Foxclaw shook his head. “It’s not that bad. You know he can’t do these things! He has to learn the ways of the Clan! I’d do it to Talonpaw in a heartbeat if they were the one who’d tried to tell me what to do.”

Xe fought against the surge of terror rising in xyr stomach. Xe crouched low to the ground and looked at xyr paws. “You can’t do that to an apprentice, nor to any cat, Foxclaw. Please, don’t say things like that. I know you want to be leader. Being cruel to every cat who inconveniences you isn’t the way to get there.”

“Come on, Dawny, you know I would do that for real.” Foxclaw meowed, softening. “I just mean that Seedpaw needs to know that he can’t do those things.”

Dawndream glanced at him, then turned away to face the herbs xe’d spread out. “Does it matter what you meant if that’s not what you said? Just leave me alone, Foxclaw, and if you see Seedpaw, tell him he doesn’t have to come back to the medicine den until tomorrow.”

“You’re just going to give like that?” Foxclaw hissed in surprise.

“Just go!”

Foxclaw hesitated for a moment, then turned and scampered out of the den.

Dawndream’s claws were full of crushed herbs, and xe could feel xyr fur standing on end. Taking a deep breath, xe pushed the herbs aside and looked around the den.

Xe was left alone with xyr thoughts, for what felt like the first time in a long time. Xe sank to the ground and buried xyr muzzle in xyr paws. I’m the ThunderClan medicine cat. I’m supposed to have everything under control.

The next day dawned bright and early, the sunlight streaming through the bramble screen. Dawndream shook xemself off, stumbling to xyr feet and glancing over at Seedpaw. The apprentice was curled up tightly in a nest closest to the entrance, his paws over his head.

Dawndream padded to the entrance of the den and stuck xyr head out. Cats were beginning to come out of the dens, stretching and talking softly. The high-pitched mew of kits in the nursery reached xyr ears, and xe smiled. “Well, I bet the queens are awake.”

Stepping back inside the den, xe nudged Seedpaw with xyr paw and walked over to xyr store of herbs. Pulling out the bundle of borage, xe carefully pulled out a leaf and carried it gently to the entrance of the den.

Xe nudged Seedpaw again, and meowed, “Seedpaw, I need you to help me check on the queens and kits, alright?”

Seedpaw sat up, blinking. When xyr words sank in, he glanced up at xem, confused. “But I don’t know any herbs!”

“You’ll learn.” Dawndream slipped out into the daylight. Flexing xyr paws as xe started across camp, Seedpaw scampering to keep up. Xe glanced back and xyr heart filled at the sight of his face eager and happy. He strode after xem confidently, and xyr worries about his skills as an apprentice medicine cat eased slightly.

The warm smell of milk and happy cats filled the nursery. Fernrose was watching her two kits play, doing her best to keep them close to her. On the other side of the nursery, Goldenheart was resting in her nest, her belly swollen. Her mate, Mousestripe, was sitting by her, grooming her pale brown fur.

“Good morning.” Dawndream mewed, setting the borage leaf down gently. “How is everyone?”

Xyr question was met with a chorus of ‘fine’, except for Loonkit, who wailed, “I wanna be an apprentice too! It’s not fair.”

Fernrose brushed her tail over her daughter, shaking her head. “Loonkit, you know you still have four more moons until you can be a warrior. We all need to wait our turns for things at some point. You and your brother need to focus on growing strong so that you can one day soon become apprentices.”

“Your mother’s right.” Mousestripe mewed, their blue eyes sparkling. “And besides, you’ll have more denmates before too long. Then you and Spicekit will get to be the older kits, closer to being warriors.”

Seedpaw padded over to the two kits and lowered his head to their ears. “Don’t worry, being an apprentice is great, but I’ll still get to hang out with you guys all the time. Right, Dawndream?”

“He’s right.” Dawndream smiled gently at him. “But for now, I need your help checking on the queens.”

“What do I do?” he asked, straightening up and padding over to xem.

Xe batted the borage leaf gently. “Bring this to Fernrose while I check on Goldenheart.” he nodded seriously, and carried the leaf over to the cream colored queen. Dawndream turned to Goldenheart and her mate.

Goldenheart shifted uncomfortably in her nest. “Really, Dawndream, I promise you I’m fine. I would tell you right away if I wasn’t. But… maybe Seedpaw can fetch me a piece of fresh-kill? I’m starving.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Mousestripe demanded, before turning and leaving the den, running to the fresh-kill pile.

Dawndream nodded, laughing. “I’m glad you’re okay. And I really do hope you’ll tell me right away.”

Suddenly, a cat was shouting, their yowls piercing the camp. “Help! We need more warriors! Rogues attacking!”

Chapter Three[]

Dawndream burst out of the den to see Bluemoon standing by the camp entrance, their chest heaving, their side spattered with blood. The cats who hadn’t yet been woken up were all awake now, crowding around Bluemoon, questions hastily being thrust at them.

   “Stop!” Nightooth’s voice rang out, the deputy’s words instantly silencing the cats. “Bluemoon.” they approached the blue-grey warrior, their stride even, their voice steady. “What, exactly, is going on?”

   The warrior opened their mouth to speak, then inhaled loudly and closed it again. After a moment, they’d caught their breath enough to speak. “We were on the dawn patrol, and Willowstar scented some unfamiliar cats. We were near the ShadowClan border. We went to see what was going on, and then all of a sudden, there were rogues everywhere, and Willowstar sent me back to get help…” they trailed off, their eyes closing, and sank to the ground. “I think I’m hurt.” they panted.

   “You came back because of a group of rogues?” Thistlefang snapped disdainfully. “They’re just rogues!”

   “There were…” Bluemoon paused to notice the blood that seeped from their wound, swallowed, and mewed, “So many, and they fought like they had nothing to lose…” their eyes rolled back in their head and they collapsed.

   Dawndream shoved forward, pushing through xyr Clanmates until they reached Bluemoon, Seedpaw hard on xyr heels. “Nightooth, please, they wouldn’t lie about this.”

   They nodded to xem, and their voice was clipped with fear as they spoke. “Thistlefang, Foxclaw, Birchleaf and… Mintstorm, you four go towards the ShadowClan border. No apprentices. Mintstorm, if need be, you are in charge.” they nodded sharply as the four cats bounded away into the forest. “Bluemoon’s kin, you may come help Dawndream.”

   Dawndream gripped Bluemoon’s scruff and barked, “Sedgehawk and Swallowwish, get their legs. Honeysong, help me with their head.” Bluemoon’s kin hurried forward and lifted the blue warrior up, and all together stumbled toward the medicine cat den, Seedpaw circling them nervously.

   As Bluemoon was settled into a nest, Dawndream lowered xyr head and began to lick their wound, doing xyr best to clean out the grime and blood from their fur. Xe clenched xyr teeth against the sharp tang of blood and clenched xyr eyes shut for a moment, trying not to forget what to do. I can’t mess this up.

Satisfied that the wound was cleaned as best as it could be right then, Dawndream turned and frantically began sorting through the bundles of herbs. Finding the marigold, xe pulled out a couple of leaves and began chewing them into a pulp. Xe swept xyr paw through one of the cobwebs in the back of the medicine cat den and hopped back to xyr patient.

   Xe spread the marigold over their wound and bound it up with cobwebs, xyr paws shaking. It’s okay. I can do this. Xe pressed down on the cobwebs with both paws for a count of ten, then stepped back, breathing heavily. “I don’t know what else to do.” xe murmured, staring at the blood that seeped through the cobwebs. “I don’t even know if I did it right.”

   Swallowwish pressed her muzzle into her kit’s neck, breathing heavily. “I’ll kill whoever did this.” She tore away, her eyes glinting and wild. “I’ll kill them! Nighttooth! Let me fight!” she scrambled towards the door, intercepted by Seedpaw.

   He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it and backed out of Swallowwish’s gaze. “S-sorry.” he stammered.

   Honeysong stepped forward and brushed her tail over her mate’s shoulder. “Swallowwish, Bluemoon is still hanging on to life. What they need right now is for us to be here. For them. You can talk to Nighttooth about fighting once you know your kit doesn’t need you here.”

   Dawndream bit back a comment about how what Bluemoon really needed was peace and quiet, knowing that if xe sent Swallowwish away, there would be no cat around the lake who could get some peace and quiet. Xe dug xyr claws into the ground and stared down at Bluemoon’s wound.

   “Who was on the dawn patrol?” xe demanded, closing xyr eyes for a moment and trying to pretend xe couldn’t see the blood.

   “Willowstar led it. She brought… Bluemoon… and Rainfall.” Sedgehawk spoke hollowly, his voice clipped as he stared at his littermate.

   Seedpaw gasped at the sound of his mother’s name, and sank to the ground, his breathing suddenly growing rapid. “I need to… Talonpaw… Dapplepaw… and my father. Birchleaf’s in the fight! Dawndream, both my mother and my father are in that fight!” he looked up at xem with huge, terrified eyes. “How could Nighttooth do this?”

   Xe leaned down and brought xyr tongue over his head. “We needed all the warriors we could in that fight.” Dawndream lifted xyr head, and spoke softly, “Foxclaw and Willowstar are both there too. ThunderClan is so small right now.”

   The cats fell silent, all staring at Bluemoon, the pause between each shallow breath adding to the tension that strung through the room.

   Sedgehawk kneaded the ground, digging his claws into the soil.

   “You know what, you all go outside. We can’t do anything by watching them. I’m the medicine cat.” Dawndream looked around, wanting desperately for none of this to be happening. “Sedgehawk, you’re just digging up dirt that will find its way into the wound of an injured cat. Out. but stay in camp unless Bluemoon wakes up.” xe quickly added at Honeysong’s sharp glance.

   The three cats padded out of the den, leaving Seedpaw and Dawndream standing alone with Bluemoon. “Seedpaw. You did well today.”

   “What do you mean?” he asked, his voice choked. “In the nursery, I only gave Fernrose a leaf to eat, which she did without complaint, and then now I just wait around while you save a cat’s life, and the only thing I can think about is how my mother and father are both in that fight, and losing just one of them would be terrible, but losing both of them would just be…” he shook his head, his sides heaving with sobs. “I don’t know how you do this. You just stay here and know that you can’t do anything.”

   Dawndream shook xyr head, stepping over to Seedpaw and draping xyr tail over his back. “But don’t you see, we can do something? If it weren’t for us, every cat who came back from a battle injured would join StarClan too soon. We can do something, and we're the only ones that can do it.” xe hesitated, then added, “So maybe you want to try again at learning some herbs?”

   Seedpaw stared at his paws for a long moment, his head hanging. Slowly, he lifted his head and looked xem in the eyes. “Yes. I want to help. I can’t fight. I don’t like to fight. I will save cats, but not by fighting. I’m sorry, Dawndream. Now can I go find Talonpaw and Dapplepaw?” Xe lowered xyr head in a nod, and he was out of the den before xe could blink.

   Alone, Dawndream turned to xyr herb supply and pulled out the bundle of marigold. Xe unwrapped it and spread it out so that it could be easily grabbed when the cats returned from the battle. Xe also checked to make sure the poppy seeds were ready, then padded to the entrance and slipped outside.

   The air in the camp was tense and quiet, and cats milled about nervously, ducking in and out of the camp entrance, waiting.

   Seedpaw, Dapplepaw, and Talonpaw were all sitting just a few fox-lengths from the medicine cat den, sitting so close together that their pelts brushed against each other. Seedpaw spotted his mentor, stood, and crossed to xem, his littermates close on his paws.

   “Is Bluemoon alright?” he asked nervously, his fur bristling.

   Xe had a sudden, desperate urge to laugh. “Seedpaw, you left the den less than a minute ago. They’re fine.”

   Dapplepaw took a step forward, her eyes wide. “Um… Dawndream, could Talonpaw and I help out? We can’t go fight because we’re only apprentices.”

   “When the patrol gets back, you three can all help me tend to wounds, but you will follow my instructions exactly and leave the worst wounds for me to handle.” Xe meowed. The three cats all nodded.

   Wind swept across the camp, carrying the sharp scent of blood and injury. Dawndream stiffened, then nodded for the apprentices to go inside. Seedpaw led his littermates, not uttering a word. Suddenly, the cats burst through the brambles, stumbling over each other.

   The cats who were well enough to walk pulled and carried the injured cats. Birchleaf leaned against Rainfall, Mintstorm was limping, but still upright, and at the very back of the group, Foxclaw and Thistlfang were dragging Willowstar’s limp body into camp.

Dawndream dipped xyr paws into the stream, the cool, crisp water flowing through xyr fur. Xe let out a breath of air, and stared at the water that turned red with the blood that clung to xyr paws. Willowstar’s wounds were bad, and if, by some miracle StarClan was kind and the leader survived the wound on her side, which would take at least one, if not all, of her remaining lives, she would never use her back leg again.

   Willowstar was on her sixth life. After this one, she would have three left. Could the rogues be strong enough to take four lives from one cat?

   Pawsteps crunched over fallen leaves, and sticks snapped as a cat bounded through the woods. Dawndream stiffened and dug xyr claws into the stream bed, xyr fur rising on xyr spine. A dark brown tabby shot out of the thick ferns in front of xem, tripped over a stick, and rolled into the stream.

   “Foxclaw?” xe asked, incredulous. “What are you doing?”

   The warrior stood up shakily, his eyes wide and his fur wet. He shook his head as if to clear it, then cleared his throat. “I don’t know. I was just… running.”

   “I’m scared too, you know.” Dawndream murmured. “But please don’t tell me you went too far from the camp on your own. With those rogues about, no cat is safe alone out of camp.”

   “The rogues will be gone by now.” Foxclaw said, shaking himself out. “And anyway, I’m not afraid of them.”

   “How do you know they’re gone?” Xe asked, hating the need to be suspicious. “And I wasn’t talking about being scared of the rogues.”

   He ignored her first question, and asked, “What do you mean? What else is there to be scared of?”

   Xe opened xyr mouth, but found it hard to answer. He should know. “Willowstar might not survive, Foxclaw.” xe mumbled. The words felt heavy on xyr chest. “The rogues were fierce, and she fought hard, like always. She’s badly injured.”

   Foxclaw froze, and lowered his head. “Oh.” he said hollowly. “No.” he backed out of the stream. “I’m going to go see her.” He scrambled up the stream bed, pebbles flying out from under his paws. He tore through the ferns that lined the clearing and disappeared from sight.

   After watching the ferns stop moving in his wake, xe turned and gathered a clump of moss from the rocks beside xem. Xe pulled it into small clumps and carefully pulled out a small collection of small sticks and thorns. Wetting each moss clump, xe gathered as many as xe could find and started back to camp.

   Xyr brother wasn’t in the medicine cat den, and Mintstorm, Seedpaw, Birchleaf, and Sedgehawk and the three ThunderClan apprentices were huddled together. Too many cats in the medicine den meant less warriors hunting and the warriors who were hunting and going on patrols would be far too tired.

   Xe carefully spread out the moss and carried one clump to Bluemoon. Xe pressed it against their lips, getting as much water onto their tongue as possible, though it only took a moment for most of their face to get covered in water.

   “Was Foxclaw in here?” Xe asked, stepping back and grabbing another clump for Willowstar. Xyr paws shook as xe carefully wet her lips.

   “No.” Birchleaf said, his voice still shaky. Cobwebs were plastered to the base of his neck, stained with blood. His kits gently pressed him so that he lay back on his nest and rested his head on Talonpaw’s.

   Seedpaw stepped forward to xem and took the damp moss from xem. He dropped it in the back of the den and said, “I haven’t seen him since he brought Willowstar back. He left camp as soon as you ran forward to her.” he shrugged. “He’s probably just upset.”

   Xe nodded, not really believing it. Turning around, xe looked at the cats crammed into the den. Bluemoon and Willowstar didn’t seem to mind the cramped space, obviously, and Sedgehawk couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away from his littermate, but Mintstorm look exhausted and uncomfortable, and the warriors den would surely be more comfortable.

   “Mintstorm, do you want to rest in the warriors den? And Birchleaf, you can go too, if you want.” When they both nodded, xe turned to the apprentices. “Seedpaw and Dapplepaw, get your father and Mintstorm to the warriors den. Talonpaw, go find Thistlefang and send him to me, alright? Then you three please go relax and give your father some space.”

   As soon as the apprentices left, xe stumbled to xyr nest in the back of the den, weariness sinking through xem. Xe curled up, rested xyr head on xyr paws and closed xyr eyes. A heavy blanket of sleep descended over xem.

A light mist rolled through the trees, the damp air clinging to Dawndream’s fur. Panic clawed it’s way up Dawndream’s throat as xe spun around, unsure if xe was in the same pleace xe’d been in the last time xe’d dreamt.

But this place was different. The air felt different, and smelled fresh and clear. Xyr paws were on the forest floor, the ground damp but not the sticky mud that had enveloped xem when xe’d visited the Moonpool. The sky was dark blue, the horizon streaked with a flurry of pinks, oranges and reds as the sun sank in the sky.

“Dawndream.” Xe turned, xyr heart leaping at the sound of the voice that xe’d missed so much. A sleek grey tom stood beside a towering oak tree, his head tilted, his eyes glimmering. “You did so well today. I knew you would be a wonderful medicine cat, all on your own.”

“Birchfrost.” the word came out in a rush, and xe stumbled forward, tears streaking down xyr face. “Why haven’t you visited me sooner? It’s so hard, being the medicine cat. Everyone expects so much, and I don’t know if I can do it without you.” xe stopped in front of him, bursting with happiness and longing. “I feel like if I mess up even the slightest bit, a cat might die.”

Xyr former mentor nodded solemnly. He leaned down and rasped his tongue over xyr head. “You are capable of much more than what you believe yourself to be. You saved Bluemoon’s life today, and your apprentice already looks up to you greatly, and for good reason.”

A leaf fell from the tree above them, twirling and spinning as it reached the ground. Xe stared at it as if it held the fate of the Clans. “Birchfrost, did you ever receive a prophecy?”

“Dawndream, whatever ThunderClan will endure, you are the right medicine cat to lead them through it. You are the right medicine cat to receive the prophecy. Now you must go. I do not know when I will see you again. Let StarClan lead you.” he pressed his head to xyrs, then stepped back, the fog closing in on him.

“Wait!” xe called, but it was not Birchfrost who responded. The loud, ringing voice that had spoken the prophecy yowled around xem, enfolding xem in a wave of noise.

“When the willow rots…”

Chapter Four[]

The den was dim, the shadows of tree branches twirling over the ground. It had been nearly a quarter moon since the rogue attack, and ThunderClan was still hanging on. Nighttooth had taken over the responsibilities of both the leader and deputy, and nearly half of the Clans warriors were unable to go on patrols due to their injuries.

   Dawndream sighed and nestled xyr head on top of xyr paws, then sat up quickly and squinted in the darkness.

   Willowstar’s head was raised, and she was breathing heavily. Across the den, Bluemoon was still sound asleep, and Seedpaw was curled up near the entrance, always the deep sleeper. Xe stood and padded over to xyr mother, breathless with hope. “Willowstar?” xe asked quietly.

   “I’m here.” xyr leader’s voice was weak, but the sound of it was a relief. “I lost a life, Dawndream.” Willowstar admitted, bowing her head. Her shoulders shook slightly. “My wound… the attack… I’m on my eighth life.” she pressed her face into Dawndream’s shoulder, shaking.

   Xe inhaled sharply. “Your eighth life? How many lives have you lost?” xyr voice was shaky, and xe could hardly keep quiet, a panic rising in xem. “Let me check you over, this one scrape can’t be your only wound.”

   “Wait.” Willowstar reached up and brushed her tail over Dawndream’s scruff. “I lost a life in battle, and one a little bit ago. But, Dawndream, those rogues were just out for me. They won’t be a danger to the rest of the Clan. As soon as they injured me enough to send me to the ground, they fled. The rest of the Clan is safe.”

   “Why would a cat do that?” xe murmured. “Are you sure?” Xyr mind flicked back to the prophecy. The line that had ended xyr dream. When the willow rots… surely it couldn’t be talking about Willowstar. And why would she rot? Suddenly xe was much more desperate to check her over to make sure xe hadn’t missed a bad wound.

   “I’m sure. How is everyone else who was in the battle?” Willowstar’s eyelids were drooping again, and she let her head fall against the moss.

   Dawndream swallowed and tried to focus. “Bluemoon is the only other cat confined to the medicine den, and their leg is much better by now. Mintstorm’s paw is better, but they still can’t hunt, Birchleaf is alright, I’m not too worried about him, and Thistlefang is making his wound a much bigger deal than it is.”

   “What else is new?” Willowstar panted, almost laughing, then her head fell to the nest and her breathing slowed. Dawndream checked her nose, and her pads. Hot with fever.

   “No, no, no.” xe pushed xyr paws into her stomach and pushed her onto her back. Bile rose in xyr throat as xe caught sight of a series of cuts, bloody and filled with pus and infection, crossing the upper half of her flank and lower half of her back.

   “What do I do, what do I do?” xe muttered, turning and rustling through the herb store. Xe grabbed a bundle of horsetail and a bit of chervil root and a dock leaf to catch the juices on. Xe bit hard into the chervil root until there was a small puddle of juice on the leaf. Chewing the horsetail into a poultice, xe soaked it in the juice and then brought it over to Willowstar. Xe knew that both chervil and horsetail could treat infection, but, admittedly, Birchfrost had never specifically told xem to treat an infected wound like xe was doing now.

   Xe spread the thick paste over the wounds, xyr heart sinking as xe saw it was barely enough to cover the cuts on her leg. Turning back, she grabbed the last bit of horsetail and made more of the paste, xyr heart beating double time. I failed. I failed. Was the only thing running through xyr mind. Xe should have been more thorough checking Willowstar for wounds. How could xe have missed something this big?

   When all of the infected scratches were covered with paste, xe bound them in thick wads of cobweb and stepped back, tears stinging xyr eyes.

   Stepping to the back of the den, xe wet a ball of moss in the small stream that ran through the back of the den and carried it to Willowstar. Xe squeezed the water into her mouth, then rubbed her throat to help her swallow.

   Who could xe get to help with this? Streamwhisper, the RiverClan medicine cat, would be too suspicious, and who knew what she might do to the ThunderClan leader. Bugfoot would be irritable and crabby but at least xe could trust him. But, even though going to ShadowClan for help was a risk, Icejump would be the cat most inclined to help xem.

   Glancing back at Bluemoon, then once more at Willowstar, xe padded over to Seedpaw and shook him awake with one paw.

   He sat up, blinking in the dim light, and yawned. “What’s going on?”

   “Willowstar has gotten worse. I missed some back wounds on her back and I’m going to ShadowClan for help. I need you to keep an eye on her and Bluemoon. Give Willowstar some more water when the sun starts to come up if I’m not back yet. You’re getting better with herbs, but they shouldn’t need anything.”

   “Will you take a warrior?” he asked, his eyes wide.

   Xe shook xyr head. “I don’t want to wake anyone. Can you do this?” xe was reluctant to leave xyr patients, but somewhere inside xem, xe trusted Seedpaw.

   He nodded, and xe bounded out of the den. The sky was already getting lighter, but xe was the only one in the clearing. Pushing through the entrance, xe ran into Honeysong, who was standing guard. At the sight of her medicine cat, Honeysong’s fur ruffled and stood on end.

   “What’s wrong?” she demanded.

   “Willowstar. I’m going to ShadowClan to get help. Don’t try and stop me.” xe plunged forward into the trees, ignoring the ferns that clutched at xyr fur, and broke into a run towards the ShadowClan border.

   Xe passed the scent marker and stood still for a moment, trying to orient xemself. The camp shouldn’t be far, but xe didn’t know if xe’d ever actually been there.

   A thorn pricked xyr paw, and xe tripped and fell through a clump of ferns and out onto a small area free of trees. A dark tabby she-cat stood at the base of a thorn tunnel, her ears pricked and her pelt rippling with curiosity.

   “Who’s there?” she called, taking a step forward. “ThunderClan?”

   Dawndream struggled to xyr feet. “I’m Dawndream.” Xe recognized Maplefang, one of ShadowClans newest warriors, and elaborated, “I’m the ThunderClan medicine cat. I need to speak to Icejump immediately.”

   Maplefang hesitated, clearly weighing her options, then nodded. “Sure… I mean, fine. Follow me.” she turned and started down the thorn tunnel. Dawndream padded after her, ducking close to the ground to avoid being slapped across the face with a loose thorny vine.

   The ShadowClan camp was quiet, each den nestled beneath a thicket of brambles, the border made up of low hanging scraggly pine branches, and tangled of brambles. The camp was as prickly as most ShadowClan warriors! Maplefang led xem to the medicine cat den, a sandy hollow blanketed with dried pine needles. Icejump was fast asleep in a nest, snoring softly.

   Batpaw wasn’t in the nest that was clearly laid out for him, and Dawndream wondered how the apprentice was getting along with Icejump. The two were so different, and Batpaw often acted as if he was better than all the other cats in all the Clans.

   “Icejump.” Maplefang murmured, shaking her medicine cat gently. “Wake up.”

   The silvery medicine cat sat up slowly, their eyes full of worry when they caught sight of Dawndream. They nodded to Maplefang, excusing her, but she seemed reluctant to go. “Maplefang. Go back to the entrance.” she nodded and padded out of the den. Icejump turned to Dawndream. “What is it?”

   Dawndream felt bad about telling the medicine cat of another Clan xyr fears about xyr leader, but xe needed help, and xe couldn’t just let Willowstar die. “There was a rogue attack, and Willowstar was wounded badly. I thought I treated all of her wounds, but I missed some very bad ones. Now they’re infected and I don’t know what to do.”

   Icejump nodded and turned back to their herb supply. “What have you done so far?” They pulled out a clump of horsetail.

   “I mixed horsetail in juice from a burdock root and spread it over her wounds, and bound it with cobwebs.

   They nodded sagely, replacing the horsetail in the herb store, then turned back to face xem. “You might try treating it with Marigold as well, but, Dawndream, there’s nothing more we can do for her. She’s in the paws of StarClan now.”

Dawndream bit into a mouse, forcing xemself to chew and swallow. A cat brushed against xem, and xe looked up to see Foxclaw standing beside xem.

   “Nighttooth told me about Willowstar.” he murmured, pressing against xyr side, and resting his head on xyr shoulder. “It’s not your fault.” Dawndream stared down at xyr fresh-kill, a lump in xyr throat so big that xe couldn’t fathom eating any more.

   Xe wanted to correct him, to tell him that it was all xyr fault, but xe couldn’t get the words out. Xe just nodded. Pulling away from him, xe ran straight into Nighttooth, who had suddenly appeared on xyr other side.

   “Dawndream, are you alright?” they asked, their voice too gentle, too kind. They didn’t understand what xe had done.

   “I’m fine, Nighttooth. Bluemoon should be ready to go on a border patrol again soon. The exercise will be good for them.” Dawndream said, swiftly veering away from the topic that filled Nighttooth’s eyes with silence. “Do either of you know where Seedpaw is? It’s time for some training.”

   Foxclaw shook his head, apparently happy to move onto another topic. “Leave that to me, I can take him and Talonpaw into the clearing for some battle training.” Glancing around he spotted Thistlefang and bounded over to him, presumably to invite Dapplepaw to the clearing with her littermates.

   Turning away from Nighttooth, xe headed back to xyr den, blinking back stinging tears. Seedpaw was standing in the middle of the den, cheering Bluemoon on as they lurched forward, their leg moving stiffly. They winced when their paw brushed the ground, and gritted their teeth when they had to put their weight on their injured leg, but they were moving.

   Dawndream froze, staring at Bluemoon, who collapsed as soon as they reached Seedpaw, panting. Xe should have been the one to help them exercise their leg, and give them exercises. Even an apprentice was a better medicine cat then xe was.

   “Dawndream!” Bluemoon cried when they spotted xem. “Look, I can walk again! Can you get Sedghawk? I want him to believe me that I’m really okay.”

   “I… sure.” Dawndream turned and left the den, xyr heart aching. Xe didn’t look for Sedgehawk, just wandered straight out of camp, not catching Nighttooth’s worried gaze.

   As soon as xe was out of camp, xe bounded away, pushing through brambles and ferns and finally coming to a stop at the marshy edge of the lake. Xyr paws sank into the wet ground, and water lapped gently against xyr ankles.

   A wave of weariness washed over xem. With Willowstar’s injury and the trip to ShadowClan, and on top of that, xyr dream with Birchfrost, xe had gotten very little sleep, and now it was all catching up to xem.

   While I’m here, I may as well collect some herbs. Xe thought, turning around and scrambling back up the bank. Xe tasted the air and stepped forward along the marshy part of the land and peered over a log. A thick clump of horsetail was growing there, green and bushy, perfect for harvesting. Xe bit the bottom of the stem and pulled about half of the plant away.

   With an excuse to have left camp so unexpectedly, xe turned around and started back up towards the trees. The wind suddenly carried the scent of a ThunderClan patrol back to xem, and xe pushed through the trees to find Sedgehawk, Thistlefang, Birchleaf, and Dapplepaw, carrying a load of prey. More specifically, Dapplepaw and her Sedgehawk were carrying the prey, while Thistlefang and Birchleaf argued.

   “I’m telling you, those rogues were here for Willowstar. Didn’t you notice how they only injured cats who were between them and Willowstar?” Birchleaf snapped. “We’ve both got cuts to prove it.”

   “Practically every cat was trying to be between them and Willowstar.” Thistlefang argued.

   Dawndream froze and took a deep breath. Xe didn’t want to think about this, it brought xem straight back to the den xe’d been trying to hide from. “Sedgehawk.” xe said, putting down the horsetail. “Bluemoon wants to see you.”

   All four cats jumped at the sight of xem, and Sedgehawk’s forehead creased in concern.

   “Nothing’s wrong, Bluemoon just wants company.” Dawndream reassured him. He smiled around his mouthful of prey, then bounded forward.

   Birchleaf stepped aside, allowing Dapplepaw to pass by. Once the other three were several fox-lengths away, he said, “Seedpaw told me what happened with Willowsar, Dawndream.” he said quietly, his posture stiff and alert.

   “What, that I missed a huge number and pretty bad cuts, and now she might die?” xe asked irritably. “Why are we talking about this, Birchleaf?”

   “Because,” Birchleaf began, “When we brought her back from the battle, there were only cuts on her leg and side. Her back was fine.”

   Dawndream froze, xyr pelt prickling. “What?”

Chapter Five[]

“I don’t want to be a medicine cat anymore.” Dawndream sobbed, pressing xyr face into xyr brother’s shoulder. Foxclaw leaned over, pressing his head into xyr’s.

“You don’t mean that.” he said softly, smoothing xyr fur with his tongue. He pulled back, the wind ruffling his brown fur. His eyes gleamed in the light of the setting sun, creating a dramatic effect. “She’s my mother too, and my leader. I’m a warrior, and her son, I should have been there to protect her.” His voice was rough and emotionless, and his eyes were suddenly wet.

Danwdream swiped the tears away from xyr own eyes and stared up at him. “Foxclaw, you had no part in this. I’m her medicine cat, and she was literally in my den when she was injured, there’s no other way. Don’t blame yourself.”

He stared xem down, a sad smile creeping onto his face. “Dawndream, tell me you didn’t really mean that you didn’t want to be a medicine cat.”

“I do want to be a medicine cat.” Xe admitted after a moment, digging xyr claws into the ground. “But I can’t be if I can’t heal cats. I can’t be responsible for so much of what happens in the Clan.” xe shook xyr head and turned away, staring at the bramble screen of the medicine cat den.

“I’m going to be sitting in the den all night, awake, keeping guard. Willowstar is safe with me.” He glanced away from xem, then looked xem in the eyes and gave xem a small smile. “Get some sleep so that, tomorrow, you can train the next great medicine cat.”

That surprised a smile onto Dawndream’s face. “Alright, I just want to check up on the elders first, it’s been a while.” xe brushed by Foxclaw gently as xe left, padding around the fresh-kill pile and stopping just outside the cozy hollow that was the elders’ den, glancing back at xyr brother.

He was standing right where xe’d left him, his legs stiff, staring straight ahead. Xe wished there was something xe could say to make him feel better, as he had done for xem. After all, it really wasn’t his fault, because there was nothing he could have done.

Turning, xe ducked through the brambles before more tears could form in xyr eyes.

“Dawndream.” Nuting’s smooth, low voice greeted xem, their eyes twinkling in the near darkness. They had always been a comforting presence to Dawndream, their thick, dark brown pelt always neatly groomed, and their amber eyes always full of kindness for xem.

Now, Dawndream felt like that kind, warm stare would break xem in two. Xe nodded in greeting, afraid to speak and begin to cry, and turned to Snailspots.

But even the crabby old elder was smiling warmly today, his eyes crinkled up. “We were just talking about your mother.” he said, happiness filling his voice. “She was always going to be the leader, we had no doubt about that since the very moment she was born.

“I need to check you over.” Dawndream muttered, stepping forward.

“We’re fine.” Nutwing assured xem.

Fur bristling, Dawndream hissed, “I’m your medicine cat, I decide when you're fine!” Nutwing flinched away, then nodded sullenly and lowered their head. Snailspots glared, meeting xyr glare evenly.

Then, all at once, something in xem gave way, making room for stories about xyr mother. “I’m sorry.” xe murmured. “I just… I was supposed to help her.”

Nutwing titled their head, eyes gentle and kind again. “Dawndream, she’s not in StarClan yet.” Snailspots nodded, agreeing with his mate.

“I know.” Dawndream crouched low to the ground, xyr whiskers brushing Nutwing’s nest.

“You know, I’ve never seen Willowstar happier than the very first time she laid eyes on you and your brother.” Snailspots chuckled, shaking his head. “She would even bring you up to her den late at night, for reasons I don’t understand.”

“You knew about that?” Dawndream asked, astonished.

Nutwing smiled. “You three weren’t exactly the quietest bunch.” they murmured, shaking their head. “But we never told a soul.” they promised.

Smiling, Dawndream wished the elders goodnight, and left the den, trying to hold on to the feeling of being in the tunnels with Willowstar and Foxclaw.

When Dawndream woke up again, xe was curled up in xyr usual nest, with the sound of Bluemoon and Seedpaw sleeping nearby. Xyr confused emotions had settled into a puddle of sadness and determination. Xe was going to keep xyr mother alive.

Standing up, xe padded over to Willowstar’s nest and leaned over to feel for her warm pelt. But xyr nose brushed moss. Stumbling back and blinking hard, xyr eyes adjusted to the lack of light.

Willowstar wasn’t in her nest.

Xe turned and ran out of the den, xyr paws skidding over wet leaves as xe ran to Foxclaw, who sat in the middle of camp, his head bowed.

“How could you?” xe hissed, running into him and pinning him beneath xyr paws. “Willowstar isn’t in her nest. You were supposed to-” he turned his face to her, wet with tears, his eyes shining with grief, and xe froze. Shaking, xe stepped back, letting him go

“I’m sorry Dawndream. She walks in StarClan now.” he murmured, leaning into her.

Xe closed xyr eyes and took a deep breath. Letting it out, xe felt tears stinging xyr eyes. Pressing xyr face into Foxclaw’s back, xe sobbed. There had been so much crying today, and yet there seemed to be an endless supply of tears in xem.

When xyr shoulders stopped shaking so desperately, xe pulled away from xyr brother and looked up at Silverpelt. The stars shone brightly, casting their light over the camp and making Foxclaw’s fur glow.

“But, Foxclaw,” Dawndream began, “where is Willowstar? The elders are supposed to bury her, and I’m supposed to groom her one last time before they do. It’s tradition.”

Foxclaw shrugged half-heartedly. “I thought it was time to make some new traditions.”

Dawndream’s mouth fell open in shock. Xyr pelt ruffled, xe spat, “Seriously? Who do you think you are, Foxclaw? The rest of the Clan has a right to say goodbye too.” digging xyr claws into the ground, xyr muscles tensed, furious.

He stared at xem, his eyes wide and innocent, something in his face that Dawndream couldn’t recognize. Suddenly xe was moving without thinking, xyr claws unsheathed and tearing across the side of his face. As soon as xyr paws were back on the ground, blood beading through Foxclaw’s fur, xe realized what xe had done.

Xyr mouth opened and closed, trying to think of some words that would fix what xe had done. “Foxclaw, I…” xe stammered, then shook xyr head and closed xyr eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Foxclaw. I have marigold, and cobwebs, if you’ll let me…”

“Willowstar wasn’t mine.” Foxclaw bit at xem. “I should have let the Clan say goodbye. But she wasn’t yours either. Though I suppose I deserved that.” he turned and padded away, pushing through the camp entrance and disappearing into the night.

Dawndream shook xyr head, finding that there were tears in xyr eyes again. Closing them for a moment, xe pictured Willowstar, her cream colored pelt fluffed up, free of cobwebs, her eyes glittering. But the image faded away, her pelt turning into a swirl of stars that dispersed across the sky.

Xe opened xyr eyes and looked up at the stars again, feeling more lost then xe had ever felt before. Willowstar, you were always here for me. Now I don’t know where to go.

Nighttooth’s voice rang out over the quiet camp, strong and sad, lifting the head of every cat in the camp to look up at them, the words that Willowstar had called so many time before sounding strange in their voice. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here, beneath the Highledge, for a Clan meeting.” There was a long moment of silence, interrupted only by the squeak of kits’ voices, hushed quickly by several cats, before they spoke.

“As you all know, Willowstar walks in StarClan now.” They said, their words making it just a little bit more true for the ThunderClan cats.

Dawndream was sitting in the entrance to the nursery with Seedpaw, Bluemoon, Sedgehawk, Swallowwish and Honeysong close by. Xe turned away from the Highledge and stared at the bramble screen of the medicine cat den. Xyr tears had run dry again before the sun had risen, but now, at the simple mention of Willowstar’s name, they were back, and xe didn’t want Seedpaw to see them.

“I will go to the Moonpool with Dawndream tonight to receive my nine lives. Before I go, I want to announce ThunderClan’s new deputy.” Murmurs grew in a wave over the clearing, a jumble of emotions. Nighttooth raised their tail for silence. When the only sound that could be heard was the birds chirping brightly, and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees, they lifted their head and spoke.

“I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve my choice.” Dawndream lifted xyr head, tense, along with every other cat. “The new deputy of ThunderClan is Foxclaw.”

Cheers rose, subdued, but still cheers, from around the camp, as Foxclaw stood, a flash of something that made Dawndream’s stomach flip in his eyes.

Chapter Six[]

Dawndream touched Spicekit’s forehead with xyr muzzle, closing xyr eyes briefly. The tiny ginger tom squirmed in xyr grasp, trying to wriggle towards Loonkit, who was watching Dawndream, her expression unreadable.

“He’s been coughing.” Fernrose said, catching the tiny ball of fur as he flew out from under Dawndream and tried to dart past his mother to where his littermate was standing, waiting for him. “Does he have a fever?”

Dawndream tried to pull xyr mind back to the task at hand. Xe could only focus on the image of Foxclaw’s eyes, his smile, as he stood and accepted his new role in the Clan. “Um, he doesn’t have a fever.” Dawndream said, forgetting what else xe was supposed to do for a heartbeat. “Oh, right, um, Spicekit, come here and let me hear you breathing.”

“Go on, then.” Fernrose brushed Spicekit’s side with her nose, trying to urge her kit towards Dawndream.

“I don’t wanna.” He mewed, darting away from her grasp. He only got a few pawsteps away from her before he stopped, his side heaving as he coughed, the sound rough and hoarse, rattling his throat. He looked up at Dawndream, his eyes wide, and rasped, “I’m fine, can I go play with Loonkit now?”

“Spicekit, I think you’ll be fine, but just in case, I need you to come back over here and get some rest.” Xe murmured gently. “Fernrose, if it’s alright with you, they might go over to the elders' den so Nutwing might tell them some stories. That way they can rest and not go to bed just yet.”

Loonkit sprang forward, eagerness shining in her eyes. “Mama, let’s do that! Please? It’s so boring here when Spicekit can’t play!”

Smiling, Fernrose stood and stretched, gesturing Spicekit over to her side with a flick of her tail. “Alright. That might be nice. But Spicekit, you tell me if you get too cold, I’m not taking any chances.”

As she led her two happy, bouncy kits out of the nursery, Dawndream felt a pang of longing. Xe wished xe could still have that tight bond with xyr brother. But now xe didn’t even know how to talk to him.

“Dawndream?” xe turned to see Goldenheart, resting on her side, her belly swollen, ready to burst. “Are you alright?” she asked gently, tilting her head.

“I’m as good as I could ever be, under the circumstances.” Dawndream said briskly, padding over to her and leaning over to touch her stomach. Xe would have normally been happy that new kits were so close to joining the Clan, but right now, xe wished that Goldenheart wasn’t about to have kits Whatever the prophecy means, I don’t want these kits to have to suffer through it with the rest of us. Looking up at Goldenheart, who was watching xem with concern, xe felt comforted that at least they would have a wonderful mother.

“You look fine.” Dawndream assured her, smiling as best xe could. “Your kits could be here any moment. I’m not sure if I want to leave to the Moonpool tonight.”

“No!” Goldenheart cried. In a lower voice, she murmured, “You must go to the Moonpool with Nighttooth tonight. I will be fine, I promise.”

Hesitantly, Dawndream nodded. “Alright. But promise me you’ll send someone immediately if you need me.” Xe rasped xyr tongue over Goldenheart’s ears, smoothing her fur down.

“I promise.” Goldenheart mewed. “And, Dawndream, dear, if you ever need anything, you’ll ask me, right? I made a promise to you, will you make one in return?” her green eyes were filled with concern, and she studied Dawndream carefully.

“I’ll tell you if I need anything.” Dawndream said, forcing a smile. Still feeling like xyr head would burst open at any moment, xe left the den.

Nighttooth was crossing the camp, heading toward xem. Their fur was freshly groomed, and they looked ready to face whatever was thrown at them. But when they came closer, Dawndream could see that their eyes were still filled with sadness at the loss of a great leader.

“Should we leave soon?” they asked xem, their fur rippling in the wind.

“One moment.” Dawndream mewed, spotting Foxclaw crossing the clearing. “I want to talk to Foxclaw first.”

Nighttooth nodded and stepped aside to let xem pass. Xe bounded over to Foxclaw, trying to push aside all the complicated feelings and just be happy for him.

“Look at us, deputy and medicine cat.” Dawndream mewed, falling into step beside him, trying to fill the silence with xyr voice. “Almost about to take over the Clan.”

Foxclaw chuckled, and ran his tongue over xyr ear. “And one day the leader and medicine cat.”

Dawndream shook xyr head. “Not yet, Foxclaw.” Doubt had begun to seep back into xem at the thought of Foxclaw having his control over the whole of ThunderClan. “I have to go to the Moonpool with Nighttooth now, so you’ll be in charge of the camp tonight. And don’t forget to assign patrols!”

His eyes sparkled. “I’ve wanted to be the deputy of ThunderClan my whole life. Do you really think I could forget?” He rasped his tongue over xyr ear one last time, then smiled. “Don’t get lost, and come back safely.”

This last surprised Dawndream, and a smile crept back onto xyr face. Maybe the prophecy had been putting xem on edge, and xe had just been imagining things. Xe turned and nodded to Nighttooth, who was waiting politely a pawful of fox-lengths away. They came forward, nodded to their new deputy, and then followed Dawndream to the camp entrance.

Together, they ducked through the barrier and out into the forest.

As soon as xyr paws fell into the familiar path that wound up through ThunderClan territory, Dawndream relaxed a bit, letting the cool moonlight wash over xem.

Xe looked up at the stars, gleaming in the dark sky, and couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps the prophecy wasn’t as bad as it sounded. In the quiet forest, the last faint rays of the sun lighting up the sky behind them, it was hard to feel anything but at peace with the world.

When they came to the Moonpool, Dawndream hesitated, unsure of what to do. Was xe supposed to follow Nighttooth to the pool, or wait up by the entrance?

“I think I go on alone from here.” Nighttooth murmured, their eyes shining, full of hope. “Thank you, Dawndream, for everything. For trying so hard to save Willowstar. For being the best medicine cat ThunderClan has ever had.”

“You don’t need to thank me for trying to save Willowstar. It’s what I owe to the Clan, and, of course, she’s my mother.” xe touched xyr nose to Nighttooth’s, suddenly filled with even more respect for the cat. “Go get your lives.”

They turned and padded down the slope to the Moonpool.

Dawndream blinked and stood up, looking around. Xe was no longer sitting next to the entrance of the Moonpool, but standing in the middle of a wide, grassy clearing, trees growing strong around xem. The sun shone, glimmering on the dew that clung to the grass.

Pretty sure that xe wasn’t supposed to be asleep right now, xe looked around the clearing, searching for something that might wake xem up.

“Not all is as you think, Dawndream.” Xe jumped at the sound of Birchfrost’s voice, and turned to see him standing just behing xem, his fur rippling the in the soft breeze.

“What do you mean?” xe asked, stepping forward to greet xyr mentor.

Dipping his nose to meet xyrs, he mewed, “Remember when you were just an apprentice, and you thought yarrow was catmint?  I told you to fetch me some catmint from the store, and you brought back a whole bundle of yarrow instead.”

Dawndream smiled, remembering. Birchfrost’s confusion at the sight of yarrow instead of catmint had led to a very interesting conversation, and it took Birchfrost a while to realize that xe hadn’t been joking around. “Of course I remember that.” xe laughed.

“What you thought was the truth was not the truth, Dawndream.” His tone silenced xyr laughter. “If it happened before, it can happen again.”

“Birchfrost, I don’t understand.” xe admitted.

“Dawndream, you must make sure that you are not believing lies.”

A moment of silence passed, in which Brichfrost watched Dawndream, and Dawndream turned his words over in xyr mind, not sure what to make of them.

He turned and started to leave, but xe called after him, “Wait! Birchfrost, would it be possible to see my mother? Could you take me to her?”

He turned, and the sadness that clouded his gaze nearly made Dawndream’s heart stop. “I cannot, Dawndream. I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t. It pains me to do so, but I must leave you to work this out on your own. Remember what I said. Make sure you are not believing lies.”

Dawndream sat up, gasping, unable to get enough air. Xe dug xyr claws into the ground and leaned over, panting. After a moment, xe sat back up and glanced around. The very first rays of the sun were shining through the trees, too dim to cast much light yet, but bright enough to see.

A cold clung to xem that xe hadn’t felt in moons. Leaf-fall would be coming soon.

A noise behind xem made xem jump, spinning around, xe flushed with embarrassment as xe saw that it was only Nighttooth, climbing away from the Moonpool. No, Nightstar.

Smiling, xe stepped forward, then stopped at the confused look on their face.“Nightstar? What’s wrong? You are Nightstar, aren’t you?”

“I suppose.” Nightstar mewed, their brown creasing. “But, Dawndream, something’s wrong. I spoke to StarClan, and they gave me my name, but they told me… they told me they could grant me my place as leader of ThunderClan, but they could not give me my lives. They said…” they closed their eyes for a moment, remembering. “They said, something is wrong in ThunderClan. We cannot give you the lives of a leader until it has been made right.

Dawndream tried to wrap xyr head around it. There seemed to be a messy pile of problems growing for them, and as much as xe hated to, xe needed to add something onto it for Nightstar. “Something is wrong in ThunderClan. We can’t deny that. But I have to tell you something more. I received a prophecy on my last trip to the Moonpool.”

Their eyes darkened, and they took a deep breath. “Tell me.”

When the willow rots and the night ends without day, the fox will hunt… and kill.” The words of the prophecy felt uncomfortably familiar in xyr mouth, and xe watched Nightstar carefully, deciding against telling them what Birchfrost had said.

Their dark tail swishing against the ground, Nightstar took a breath, then looked up at Dawndream. The early sunlight danced in their eyes, and their fur seemed to glow in the light. Even without nine lives, Nightstar was obviously a leader. They were strong, and Dawndream knew that ThunderClan would need a strong leader.

They rolled their shoulders back, their muscles outlined against the fur. “We’ve fought off foxes before. We can do it again. Even if this isn’t really a fox we’re talking about here.” stepping past Dawndream, they scrambled up the last few steps of the slope to the Moonpool, then turned back to xem. “We should head back to camp. And.. maybe we shouldn’t tell anyone else about my lives.”

Agreeing, Dawndream followed them into the forest, thinking back to the clearing and Birchfrost’s words. What did he mean by believing lies? Was someone lying to xem?

ThunderClan scent drifted along the breeze, and with it, urgant, excited yowls. Dawndream recognized the scents and voices of Dapplepaw, Honeysong and Thistlefang. Xe quickened xyr pace, following close behind Nightstar, until they were bounding through the undergrowth toward the voices.Dawndream cleared the stream that marked the edge of WindClan territory in a leap, stumbling to a stop on the other side as xe spotted the three warriors bounding towards them.

“Dawndream!” Dapplepaw called, bounding over to xem. “Come quick, Goldenheart’s having her kits!”
